Camera Week!

Just so everyone knows, I want to retain this space as something personal and open to a variety of topics. This blog is not just for showing my pictures. It’s core purpose has always been (and will remain) a chance for readers to get to know me. Years ago, when I started blogging in 2001 at the mere age of 17,  I was told (mainly by family members) that writing so openly on the dreaded world wide web was going to get me into trouble. Turns out, I was a few steps ahead of the trend because now, even immediate family members have Twitter accounts. It’s a beautiful thing! Online social networking is what allows me to stay informed about what my family is up to while I’m so many miles away. It was never easy to call people on a regular basis, especially when life gets busy with school, work, and relationships.

If you’re a new reader, welcome! Feel free to go back through archives (there’s lots of them!) and if you have questions, please post them in a comment or email me at! Either way, I think I’ll be filling out some questionnaires and posting them as a means to shock this site back to life after it’s three year cardiac arrest!

As for this past week, it was definitely one where photography felt like the main topic of conversation! I assisted Carrie on Saturday for a wedding in Chattanooga. I wish I could post some of my favorites, but since I’m currently a representative of Carrie, I’ll have to wait until she says its okay. But I promise, I’ll post them as soon as I can!

The 18-200 lens worked well during the wedding. Because it was unfamiliar and I couldn’t use my flash inside, I played it safe and shot in Auto mode during the ceremony. Because of this, the ISO created a small grainy effect on several photos from the ceremony, but some people like that effect. I love my 50m/f1.4, but at a fixed focal length, the 18-200 was definitely worth renting.

I shipped the lens back on Wednesday, but you’ll never guess what! I was telling my dad about the wedding and we were talking about lenses. My dad is really into photography, too, and he’s been such a huge support in my pursuit of a career in photography. So he started talking about the 17-55m/f2.8, which I’ve read on several photographer’s blogs is a favorite lens to use for a variety of situations and that it’s a total workhorse! Then he mentioned my graduation present and how he and my mom were trying to decide what they should get me. I’ll be honest, I completely forgot about this tradition. I was not expecting a gift—mostly because I forgot that’s what happens when you graduate, but also because it took me so long to finish school, I just think its silly to get me one! But who am I to turn down such a generous offer from my parents?! And for the 17-55?! I don’t know any other time I could ever afford such an incredible piece of equipment.

So yes. My parents got me the 17-55 and I’m certain it will totally change (for the better!) the kind of pictures I’m capable of taking. It arrived yesterday and I got the chance to use it this morning. Its huge! The glass is heavy! But it feels so good in my hands and that’s what she said! The DOF (depth of field) creates gorgeous bokeh. Armed with it AND my 50mm? I feel unstoppable right now!

Okay, so enough of all that. Sorry this is getting to be such a long post. How about some pictures I took with the 18-200 while helping friends build their kitchen?

Old Fashion Clothes Dryer Backyard or Narnia?! Honey, I Shrunk the Kids was popular when I was little. This Birdie Needs A Tan!

Soon to come? My new business cards created by my genius brother! You can gather some ideas from the new insignia in the previous photos! We are getting this ball rolling! (Wouldn’t it be funny if I said, “We are starting to roll this ball!”?)

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