Editing & Retouching Services

I look at editing and retouching like many artists might look at an oil painting— everyone has their own style. I’m completely self taught in Lightroom and Photoshop. A lot of YouTube tutorials and experimentation over the years has turned me into a Swiss Army Knife of editing skills in human form. While AI can get you pretty close to where you want to be, there is nothing that holds a candle to the detail-oriented eye and the refined hand of an experienced artist with years of practice.

Basic gallery edits in Lightroom are 25¢ per image.
Retouching/Composite Editing is $1/minute.
Other specialty edits may require a more refined quote.

Check out these Before & After samples.

Watch me edit or retouch these images in super high speed.

Creating new family group

This client requested a group photo that was missed on the wedding day. It was a process, but after approximately 30-ish minutes, the job was complete.

The impact of cropping

With basic edits, it’s not only about color and tone. It’s also about the story and impact a final image delivers, which cropping can influence in a major way. It’s all about where the eye naturally travels and making those edges clean so if an image is printed, there is nothing to distract you from how the story was meant to be told.

Removing V-Flat Seams

V-Flat seams are a simple fix but can sometimes take a fine tuned touch depending on the retouching tool you use. These retouches can take anywhere between 1-5 minutes, depending on the shot.

Lightroom Healing Brush VS Photoshop

If you have only ever used the healing brush in Lightroom and never tried retouching in Photoshop, I can promise you, the time you save in Photoshop can probably add up to several days. Not to mention the Lightroom healing brush is no where near as easy to work with as the multiple tools that Photoshop has to offer. In this example, a client asked me to clean up the “fly aways” of the bride’s hair. I’ve seen clients try using the healing brush in the past for this kind of thing, so I thought I’d try it. I gave it a couple tries and it realized almost immediately that I would never get the result that I would truly achieve in Photoshop. So I stopped wasting my time and took care of it in the matter of two minutes with tools like the lasso tool, Content Awareness, and the clone stamp. The healing brush just can’t compete.

Ready to work with me?

I’m a great communicator.

I deliver things fast.

I make your work look good, which makes YOU look great.

Email me to inquire about editing/retouching services.